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Current Projects

Game Projects

Current and Past Games I've worked on

My main goal as a game designer is to give the player a need to invest their time into my work, whether that's because of the engaging and fun gameplay, or interesting storylines and characters. If people are willing to put their time into my work, then their time shouldn't be wasted.


Elementa is a 2D platformer with gameplay elements similar to Sonic the Hedgehog and Rayman Legends in respect with movement, and touches of Rivals of Aether and Katana ZERO in respect to combat agency.

Aesthetics similar to pop punk culture and a transitionary period between modern and cyberpunk, Elementa allows the player to select between three different characters of Fire, Water, and Metal to embrace and use the environment to your imagination to create new avenues of pathing.

This project, while now on break, took up the greater part of the third year at Northeastern. With the help of a killer team of developers and writers, we were able to showcase the game at Boston FiG! A full post mortem of the development of the Alpha will be available soon. Social links will send you to our pages.

ezla render sheet.jpg
twitter png.png

Higher quality renders are found by clicking the image below.

This was a project I worked on through the entirety of summer 2020, under the lead of my Professor Brandon Sichling. Acting as a lead developer, we were able to get a quick demo of the game before the turn of the fall semester. Unfortunately, due to me overloading my classes and wanting Elementa to take up more of my time, I had to step down for the semester. I still often look over the build and give advice to our new developers that are currently working out the kinks the previous development team left.  

The game will be presented at the Tokyo Indies in December 2020, and there are goals for monetization!

Click on the images below to be takes to the socials and site for the game!


Habit of Force

Habit of Force is a Grid-based mecha game with some unique twists on the classic turn-based strategy genre. With the ability to target the pilots directly for swift eliminations, or even persuade the enemy to defect, there are numerous ways to dance along the battlefield. The pre-fight poetry mechanic also impacts how matches are played out, generating different enemies and terrain. In this game, you quite literally are writing your own story!

Past Projects

Games that I've worked on for class and freetime that I've decided to not continue on at the moment.


The Golden 


RPG Maker Game focused on world building and writing. Summer 2019.

Much of the ideas for character progression and skills would be transferred to Elementa.

While this game doesn't show much at face, it provided a lot of insight to my work ethic and my design philosophies, as well as showing my transition into digital art as a more serious medium.


This game was an attempt to create a playable demo, solo, in 30 days. That isn't terrible, but I created a scope that was unachievable in the amount of time that I actually had. I started this project while working a summer job with children from 8 am to 6pm, 5 days a week. This left me little time to truly work on the project, and ultimately left me burnt out. Below are screenshots of the game and drawings of the main characters. 

Daily logs can be found here. It isn't much, but it's honest work.

Another test of my abilities, the Global Game Jam 2020 had me working with a group of my friends on a 72 hour project. Acting as the artist on the team, I had to come up with concept art, game art, scenery, and animations for the game. While the game didn't function exactly as we intended, we had a blast building it. This was also my first time animating on a large scale. Previously, I did animation studies.

Soda Smash

Global Game Jam 2020.

With his trusty Cola Bopper, Soda von Swola has the ability to take down the tyrannical Cream Pop empire! Think your up for the challenge? 

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